Metal Guard

Hurricane Season Tips

Hurricane season begins June 1st! If you own a metal commercial building in an area that is prone to hurricanes or severe storms, it is essential to prepare your building for the upcoming hurricane season. Taking proactive measures to safeguard your building can prevent significant damage and ensure the safety of your employees and customers. Here are some tips for preparing a metal commercial building for hurricane season.

  1. Conduct an inspection – The first step in preparing a metal commercial building for hurricane season is to conduct a thorough inspection of the building. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as rust or corrosion, and repair any damaged areas. Inspect the roof for loose or missing panels, and ensure that all doors and windows are in good condition and properly secured.
  2. Trim trees and shrubs – If your building is surrounded by trees or shrubs, it is important to trim them back before hurricane season. Strong winds can cause branches to break and fall, causing damage to the building or blocking access to the building. Trimming trees and shrubs can also help prevent damage to nearby power lines, reducing the risk of power outages.
  3. Secure loose items – Make sure any loose items, such as outdoor furniture or signage, are properly secured or brought inside before a storm. These items can become dangerous projectiles in high winds, causing damage to the building or injuring people.
  4. Install hurricane shutters – If your building has windows, consider installing hurricane shutters. Hurricane shutters are designed to withstand strong winds and flying debris, providing an extra layer of protection for your building and its occupants.
  5. Have a plan in place – Develop a plan for how you will respond in the event of a hurricane or severe storm. This plan should include procedures for evacuating the building, shutting down equipment, and securing any hazardous materials. Make sure all employees are familiar with the plan and know what to do in an emergency.

Preparing a metal commercial building for hurricane season requires careful planning and attention to detail. By taking the necessary precautions, you can help minimize damage to your building and keep your employees and customers safe. Metalguard can help by inspecting your building, and our experienced team can help complete any necessary repairs to your metal roof, wall panels, or drainage system.

Two Metalguard Workers on a metal roof. This roof is prepared for hurricane season.
Repairing a commercial metal building roof, including the internal gutter system. Ready for hurricane season!
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