Metal Guard

Metal building repairs and insulation services available nationwide.

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Grocery Store Insulation Facing Replacement

The Metalguard team works in demanding environments, including the produce section! This insulation replacement project was for a grocery store in the great Houston, TX area. This project presented unique challenges, both in regard to the work environment, and the logistics with the jobsite at an active grocery store. Check out both before and after project photos, and details on how our team overcame the unique challenges on this job. 

Metalguard, Insulation Repair at a Grocery Store, Before Photo
Before: Worn out insulation facing
Metalguard - Groccery Store Insulation Repair, After Photo
After: New white insulation facing

Project Challenges

Our team works in a variety of tough environments, and pride ourselves on the ability to complete jobs with minimal operational disruption. This job was no exception! Our team completed the work on during the off-shift, working overnight to complete the project in sections. Each night, we prepped the work area, and covered each aisle, to protect the customer’s products from damage. A thorough cleanup ensured that the grocery store could open as scheduled each day. As you can see from the pictures, the new insulation facing brightened up the store, and greatly improved the aesthetics. 

Metalguard - In Process Insulation Facing
In Process: The new white facing contrasts with the old cracked and faded facing
Metalguard - Manlift on grocery store job site
Our team worked in tight spaces!
Metalguard - Grocery checkout lanes, insulation replacement overhead
After: New White Insulation Facing over the grocery checkout lanes.
Metalguard - Closeup view of insulation facing installation
After: Closeup view of the facing installed around conduits, beams, and lights.
Metalguard - Insulation Facing
In process view of the insulation refacing. The bright white is the new facing
After: New white insulation facing in the produce section
After: New white insulation facing in the produce section
Metalguard - New Insulation Facing
After: New white Insulation Facing
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